1673 Jamerson Road, Marietta GA 30066
Sunday Worship Services
8:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite I (Online & In person)
9:45am: Adult Christian Formation
9:45am: Children CF (1st & 3rd Sunday of month)
10:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite I
*Rite I during the season of Advent

Announcements (Page 2)

Safeguarding Classes

All Vestry and staff (and anyone else who is interested) are required to take Safeguarding God’s People once every two years and Dismantling Racism as well. Those classes will take place at St. Philips’s Cathedral. There is a Safeguarding God’s People on September 17 from 1pm – 3:30pm and Dismantling Racism classes take place on August 27, September 24, November 5, and December…


ECA supports and participates in mission work both locally and abroad.  Reach Ministries coordinates the in-reach and out-reach within our community.  Reach Ministries meets on the second Sunday of each month after services. Previous Mission Trip: ECA’s Dream Team in the Dominican Republic The ECA Dream Team is hard at work in Baní, a town…

Holy Week Schedule

Maundy Thursday – March 24th 7:00pm- Holy Eucharist (Foot washing, Agape Supper & stripping of the Altar) 9:00pm-Noon- Gethsemane Watch Prayer Vigil (Prayer Vigil goes into Good Friday)  Good Friday – March 25th 12:00 noon-Stations of the Cross (Outside, weather permitting) & Holy Eucharist with reserve sacrament 6:00pm- Stations of the Cross (Outside, weather permitting)…

Easter Luncheon

There will be a Easter luncheon reception after the 10:45AM Easter service in the Activities Bldg & outside (weather permitting). There is a sign up sheet in the narthex. Please sign up to bring your favorite dish and share with your church family. Thank you for helping make Easter a great event!