1673 Jamerson Road, Marietta GA 30066
Sunday Worship Services
8:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II
* (Online & In person)
9:45am: Adult Christian Formation
9:45am: Children Christian Ed.
(1st & 3rd Sunday of month)
10:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II*

All women of The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation (ECA) are members of the ECW. The ministry was created as a way for all women of the Church to come together and share in fellowship, spiritual growth and through outreach. ECA continues to have a very active community of giving women who gather together and provide good for the betterment of the community.  ECW typically meets on the last Sunday of each month following the 10:30am Sunday Service. All women are welcome!  See Calendar for ECW activities.

UPCOMING:   Click here to view the calendar

Each Month the ECW plan a lunch and a dinner fellowship.  See calendar for days and times.  All are welcome!


ECW Retreat 2021:  Mark your calendar for January 15-17, 2021.

What do you get when you have 18 Episcopalian women in the same house for 2 days? Spiritual discussion, fellowship, tons of food and soooo much fun – some we share; some we do not! Thanks to Andrea Lovett and Bliss Peterson for organizing the retreat and Penny Cappawana for the wine tour. We are already organizing the ECW 2021 retreat so mark your calendar for 1/15-1/17/2021. You really don’t want to miss it!

Check the Calendar for Upcoming Events!