1673 Jamerson Road, Marietta GA 30066
Sunday Worship Services
8:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II
* (Online & In person)
9:45am: Adult Christian Formation
9:45am: Children Christian Ed.
(1st & 3rd Sunday of month)
10:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II*

The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation is a congregation of about 145 families from the communities of Woodstock, Canton, Roswell, Marietta, Kennesaw, and Acworth, Georgia. It is situated on 9.8 acres of wooded and landscaped property in a restful pastoral setting on Jamerson Road in Marietta.  A fresh water pond on the acreage is home to wild fowl.  In addition to the church, built after ECA acquired the property, two existing ranch homes on the property have been remodeled; one serves as the Activities Building and the other, the Swift Building, houses the church offices, the library, and the Sunday School.   Other buildings include a garage and a barn/storage shed.  A wooden foot bridge spans a gully between the church, the Swift Building, and the exit road and the Activities building. We installed a memorial garden in 2011 for parish members and their families to place them in eternal rest.

We warmly welcome you to join us as we bear witness to God’s love and invite, encourage, and prepare God’s people to share that grace with others.