Maundy Thursday – March 24th
- 7:00pm- Holy Eucharist (Foot washing, Agape Supper & stripping of the Altar)
- 9:00pm-Noon- Gethsemane Watch Prayer Vigil (Prayer Vigil goes into Good Friday)
Good Friday – March 25th
- 12:00 noon-Stations of the Cross (Outside, weather permitting) & Holy Eucharist with reserve sacrament
- 6:00pm- Stations of the Cross (Outside, weather permitting)
- 7:00pm- Holy Eucharist with the reserve sacrament (Veneration of the Cross)
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil – March 26th
- 8:20pm- Easter Vigil with choir (lighting of Paschal fire and Holy Eucharist)
*Reception follows the service in the Swift Bldg
Easter Sunday – Feast of the Resurrection
- 8:00am- Holy Eucharist Rite II with music
- 9:00am- Holy Eucharist Rite II with choir & music
- 10:15am- Easter Egg Hunt (Children & Youth)
- 10:45am- Holy Eucharist Rite II with Festive Choral
- Light incense will be used at all services.
- Covered dish luncheon reception follows the 10:45am service in the Activities Bldg and outside (weather permitting).
- Reach is providing Easter Dinner for the Men’s Extension in Marietta at 5:00pm