1673 Jamerson Road, Marietta GA 30066
Sunday Worship Services
8:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II
* (Online & In person)
9:45am: Adult Christian Formation
9:45am: Children Christian Ed.
(1st & 3rd Sunday of month)
10:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II*

Wednesday Night Lenten Program 2017

Lenten Program- Wednesday Nights 2017

“Jesus said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest’” – Luke 10:2

Bishop Wright has challenged us in the Diocese of Atlanta, to join in the harvest and bring the Gospel to the fields in our community and beyond.  He, along with Missioner Donna Mote, have explored this endeavor in their book, “The Go Guide: 10 Steps for Innovations in Ministry from Luke 10.”  In this guide, they explore questions such as “How can twenty-First century Christians engage the world as Jesus did?  What does it look like to be the Church in the world? Who are we as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement? Where is it the Church should go and how and with and to whom? And why?

This program addresses the kinds of missional activity developing in the Diocese of Atlanta.  We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually.

The program starts with a meal at 6:30 with salad, soup & bread and at 7pm we will begin with the program. There will be a sign up sheet in the Narthex to provide food for the meals. Please make sure to sign up even though you may not be sure so we can plan for the meals and program accordingly. We will provide childcare if you are interested in attending. We hope you will come and join us.

 The Program will have four sessions: 

March 8th, Program 1: “Appointed, Sent and Go Together” what does it mean to be appointed, and where do we get sent, and how do we go together in the fast paced life we lead with many different directions we are being pulled in? We will explore the first three chapters of the “The Go Guide” written by Bishop Wright and Rev. Mote exploring our role as disciples in today’s world gleaned from Luke 10.

March 15th, Program 2: “Pray, Travel light, and Stick with it”– Prayer is something we often take for granted or dismiss because we are not sure how to pray. What do we need to let go of to do the work we are called to do and how do we persevere in the ministry we do? We are also called to evaluate what we are doing and see if we are still doing God’s work or doing it because it’s always been done.

March 22nd, Session 3: “Ask Questions and Check the Ditches” – Good truth questions help us identify the gap between the ideals we hold up for ourselves and our community when compared to our current, lived reality. Who are we calling to be at worship with us, do we walk on the other side of the ditch to avoid differences? Maybe the places that cause us fear are the places we are needed most?

March 29th, Session 4: “Bandage Somebody and Keep Listening” “Bandaging people is the calling of the baptized.” It is hard enough to face our own wounds so how do we help others who have wounds that are hard to understand or even face? We have a chance to sit at the foot of Christ and listen just as we are called to go out into our communities and listen to the needs of our brothers and sisters and do the work we are called to do. “Deep brave, daring listening is the way we discover what is working and what isn’t”

We hope to see you there and you will enjoy listening and learning about “The Go Guide” to better ourselves and the communities we live in and proclaim the Gospel. See you soon on a Wednesday night near you. Blessings, Fr. Paul+ & Mthr Gretchen.

**Please sign up on the sign up sheet in the Narthex for Soup, Salad or bread and let us know if you would like to attend so we can make sure we have enough food.


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