1673 Jamerson Road, Marietta GA 30066
Sunday Worship Services
8:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II
* (Online & In person)
9:45am: Adult Christian Formation
9:45am: Children Christian Ed.
(1st & 3rd Sunday of month)
10:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II*

ECA Adopts a Family Affected by Louisiana Flooding

With the recent epic flooding in Louisiana, many families have lost everything they own.  ECA Parishioner Desi Doucet has started a movement with her website adoptafloodfamily.org that matches those in need with those wanting to help. We are excited to announce that ECA has adopted a family affected by the Louisiana flood. The Lynch family lives in Walker, LA – a small area in Livingston Parish – one of the hardest hit parishes in Louisiana. (Parishes are like counties). This area is an eastern suburb of Baton Rouge, LA.

REACH has provided some funds to get the initiative going, but if you have any items to donate that we could send to the family, please get in touch with Desi. Their biggest needs at the moment are bunk beds (they need 2 sets – they have a total of 6 children) and clothing + shoes for the kids. They will also need to replace all of the floor joists, sub floor and flooring in their home due to the flood. If we have excess funds, they may be used to help them purchase those materials. Luckily they have teenage boys who should be able to help with labor.

Here’s a bit about them:
They are a family of 8, 6 children (5 boys, 1 girl) with 2 parents. The father is disabled and was recently in ICU for a chronic illness that many of the children also have. The kid’s ages are: 26 year old son (disabled) who lives with them, 17 year old son, two 14 year old sons, a 12 year old son and a 9 year old daughter.

REACH has allocated some funds for us to use to help this family, but their needs will be beyond the funds allocated. We are attempting to make the best use of the funds by asking if you have goods you can donate.

Here is what is most needed at this time:
  • Clothing for Mykayla, their 9 year old. She wears a size 14 in clothes and a size 3 shoe.
  • I have some men’s clothes that were donated and will sort through those to see what I’m missing, but we are still in need of shoes + socks for them in the following sizes:
  • 10.5 (3 of the sons wear this size) and 11.5 (just 1 of them wears this size)
  • If Sunday School classes want to make cards to send to them, I will happily deliver those with the stuff I’m bringing.
  • I have the bunk beds, bedding and some kitchen items and will shop the yard sale donations for dressers. The stuff listed is the most in need as this time.
If anyone would like to join Desi on the journey down there to deliver the stuff, she plans to leave Oct 11 and return the 13th or 14th. She will arrange a place to stay. Any questions can be directed to Desi Doucet at desidou@gmail.com


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