1673 Jamerson Road, Marietta GA 30066
Sunday Worship Services
8:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II
* (Online & In person)
9:45am: Adult Christian Formation
9:45am: Children Christian Ed.
(1st & 3rd Sunday of month)
10:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II*

Christian Education Returns January 22

Christian Education returns Sunday, January 22 at 9:15am. Below are the adult classes offered for the spring semester, including a new class taught by Mtr. Gretchen. Click here to view the Youth Christian Ed. Classes.

“So, You Want to be an Episcopalian?”  (new class)
Instructor: Mtr. Gretchen
An exploration of the Episcopal Church will be offered beginning January 22, 2017. For anyone who is curious about the Episcopal Church this is the class to attend! We will explore our history, theology, spirituality, and much, much more through the lens of Anglicanism. Confirmation is a rite in which we express faith and commitment to Christ and, by prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, receive strength from the Holy Spirit to continue in the life of faith and commitment. Confirmation at Episcopal Church of the Annunciation signifies that a person publicly identifies herself or himself with the Episcopal Church and takes up the responsibility to carry on and support the mission of the church as a disciple of Jesus Christ. If you are interested in being confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church, or you’d like to formally renew your Baptismal Covenant, this is the class for you! We also invite those who want to refresh their faith and understanding.

“The Christian Life” Christian conversation related to current world events
Instructors: Ron Allen, Doug Sweet, and other facilitators:
It can be a real challenge trying to lead a Christian Life in today’s crazy world. “The Christian Life” is a safe harbor to drop anchor and relax with friends who are on the same journey. It is an opportunity to come together and fellowship with those who want to share their experiences and listen to yours. Christians are people too, and are faced with many of the same trials and tribulations that come upon anyone else. We will discuss an array of topics and invite participants to pick the subject matter. In most cases we share articles we’ve read or experiences we’ve had and try to learn from one another. We will engage in the free exchange of ideas and opinions and all viewpoints are welcomed and respected. An array of topics discussed include, but are not confined to: raising children & teenagers, the role of the Christian in speaking out for the poor, sick, elderly & neglected, crime, war issues, healthcare, education, finding common ground with our fellow Muslim, Jewish and other faiths, etc. Come share your thoughts, your concerns, and your experiences. We often look at topical news and media items and discuss our response as Christians and how we as people of faith might better respond to the call of Christ in the modern world.

“Faith, Family, & Fellowship” 
Instructors: Fr. Paul
We live in an ever changing world when it comes to church and society. Faith, Family and fellowship will provide opportunities each Sunday to talk about our faith journeys, family life raising children or taking care of aging parents. We will explore Christian faith principles against societal norms and standards and discuss how to live out our calling as disciples in this world, as we prepare for the next life to come.

“Death, Dying and the After Life” Exploring how religions of the world view the Afterlife
Instructors: Bruce Collopy
As Christians we believe in an Afterlife. We really have little exposure to how the rest of the world views the Afterlife. What is interesting is that even in Prehistoric times, our primitive ancestors seem to have believed in a life beyond this one. Archeologists unearthing prehistoric graves (10,000 years old) found articles in the graves which indicated the dead were buried with them for the afterlife. The Egyptian Pharaohs’ and Chinese emperors’ graves 3000 years old also had large amounts of wealth with them for their afterlife. It is only humans that have this belief. Is God telling us something? “Death, Dying and the After Life” Exploring how religions of the world view the Afterlife


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