1673 Jamerson Road, Marietta GA 30066
Sunday Worship Services
8:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II
* (Online & In person)
9:45am: Adult Christian Formation
9:45am: Children Christian Ed.
(1st & 3rd Sunday of month)
10:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II*

Posts from 2016

Vestry Elections & Parish Meeting on January 8

Update 1/10/17: Due to inclement weather, the Annual Meeting has been pushed back to Sunday, January 15.  Our Annual Parish Meeting is set for January 8th immediately following the 8:00am service. At the meeting a report of the parish & ministries will be made. We will vote for 3 new members to the vestry. If you cannot make the meeting and would…

Christian Education Returns January 22

Christian Education returns Sunday, January 22 at 9:15am. Below are the adult classes offered for the spring semester, including a new class taught by Mtr. Gretchen. Click here to view the Youth Christian Ed. Classes. “So, You Want to be an Episcopalian?”  (new class) Instructor: Mtr. Gretchen An exploration of the Episcopal Church will be offered…

Christmas Dinner at the Women’s Extension

Reach will be providing Christmas Dinner for the women at the Women’s Extension in Marietta Sunday, December 25, and you can help by providing any of the following items or by volunteering to help prepare and serve at the Extension! We will meet at 5:00pm to prepare for the meal. Please note that there is a resident with…

Lunch at Church of the Common Ground on December 18

We are blessed to have been asked to provide lunch and fellowship for the Church of Common Ground Sunday, December 18th. We will be meeting Saturday, December 17th at 11am to build the lunches in the Activities Building. Attached is a list of items needed to build 70  lunches with. We will be leaving ECA Sunday immediately following the 10:30am service. Click…

The Annual Greening of the Church

Each year, we will be Greening the Church to prepare for Christmas! Children are encouraged to decorate the tree with an ornament from home or with one that is provided.  This is a special day for ECA in which we prepare for the Season of Christmas.  All are invited to attend.  Reception to follow.

Shop with Scrip for Christmas!

With Christmas just around the corner, now is the time to consider visiting and buying from the SCRIP table on Sunday! You can purchase gift cards for teachers, family member and friends, while helping Reach at the same time. We have more “in stock” cards than ever.  You also have the ability to custom order cards…