1673 Jamerson Road, Marietta GA 30066
Sunday Worship Services
8:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II (Online & In person)
9:45am: Adult Christian Formation
9:45am: Children CF (1st & 3rd Sunday of month)
10:30am: Holy Eucharist Rite II

Robin Keith

Robin was born and raised in Florida and discovered the Episcopal Church during her college years at the University of Florida. She moved to Atlanta in 1997, and enjoys her career as a Client Manager for an HR Solutions firm. Robin and her children started attending ECA in 2012, and have been involved in youth group, mission trips, outreach and serving at worship services. Robin has served on Vestry in the past, and is grateful to share her time and talents with the ECA church family as part of the Vestry again.